Golf Fundraiser
The Julie Kukulis Memorial Golf Outing takes place each fall and is a highlight of our school year. Ms. Julie Kukulis was a beloved teacher at Little Lambs from 2008–2018. She passed away in March of 2020 however, her memory lives on in our school and the lives of those she molded as a teacher’s aide for so many years. She and her family were and continue to be wonderful supporters of our school. We thank them for her years of service and their generous support over.
9th Annual Julie Kukulis Memorial Charity Golf Outing
The 9th annual Julie Kukulis Memorial Charity Golf Outing was on Saturday September 28 at Thornapple Pointe Golf Club from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Registration started at 8:00 a.m., and tee off was at 9:00 a.m. This event benefited Little Lambs Preschool. The four-person shotgun scramble included 18 holes, cart, breakfast, lunch, door prizes, games, and much more! Sponsorship opportunities were available!
9th Annual Julie Kukulis Memorial Charity Golf Outing
This year’s golf outing was another great success thanks in large part to our gracious hosts at Thornapple Pointe Golf Club as well as all of our generous sponsors and donors. This is our premier fundraising event for the fall, and we appreciate all of the relationships with local families and businesses that we were able to build/continue this year.
Golf Sponsors
We would like to extend another big thank you to our 2024 golf outing sponsors and golfers. Sponsorship and donations for this event play an integral role in making our annual charity golf outing a success, as well as benefiting our school financially. We appreciate your support this year and look forward to including new names alongside yours for next year’s event.
Thank You To Out 2024 Golf Outing Sponsors!

9th Annual Julie Kukulis Memorial Golf Outing Sponsors
Thank you to our 2024 golf outing sponsors!
- The Kukulis Family
- Knights of Columbus
- 42 Parallel Construction
- Rightman Hydraulics
- Yoga Zen
- Bill Donohue Greenridge Realty
- Seif Chiropractic
- Michigan Dutch Barns
- Bigo Smoke House
- Butcher Block Social
- Lumbermen’s
- Hulst Jepsen Physical Therapy
- Platt & Van Sledright Families
- Deep Roots Produce
- Country Harvest Greenhouse
- Broadmoor Golf Course
- Campau Corner Meat Market
- Bricks at Campau Corner
- Caledonia Village Ace Hardware.
We can’t wait to see you all again next year!